Do you have a safeguarding issue or concern that you wish to raise or discuss?
1) In the first instance, please contact:
St. Mary’s Parish Safeguarding Officer
Tel: 07421 503175
If they are unavailable please leave a message on the number above
and they will return your call as soon as possible.
2) Alternatively, please contact:
St. Mary’s Church Warden
Tel: 07923 486222
3) If you feel that someone is in immediate danger,
please call 999 immediately.
4) Diocese of York Safeguarding Team contact details are:
Tel: 01904 699500, ask for the Safeguarding team
Tel: 01904 699508 / 07914 668907 for Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
All other relevant contact numbers are to be found in
"St. Mary’s Safeguarding Vulnerable People and Children Protection Policy"
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Did you know ? There are wild deer living around Strensall
these two on Sunday 22nd October 2023